Lash Festival 2016 - The Countdown is On!

Lash Festival 2016 - The Countdown is On!

Lash Festival was first held back in 2013 with the purpose of celebrating the skills held by lash technicians across the world. The Eyelash Emporium has been involved since the beginning, hosting the festival and encouraging technicians of all levels of experience to submit their work. With each year it has been held, it is grown and is now the world's biggest online lash competition with thousands of entrants from a large variety of countries. By being free to enter, it is open to everyone no matter what their level of expertise, where they have trained and what products they use.

The 2016 competition opens on Sunday 2nd October, which leaves you enough time to find a model and start practicing for your winning image!


This year there are 3 categories for technicians to enter, but each entrant can only submit images to ONE of these categories. This is so that each technician can enter their work into the category that they feel is where they specialise. The categories are:

- Individual

- xD Russian Volume

- Ultimate Volume

How to Enter

Entering has been made as easy as possible this year! Simply visit the website which will be live in due course, select the category you want to enter, fill out the form and upload your photos.