An Educator’s Story on Postpartum Lashes

The topic of postpartum lashes doesn’t come to light regularly within the lash industry. If a client were to have poor condition natural lashes, there is often help and advice on the technical aspect of how to lash them correctly, but not why they could be in this condition, or how to offer help and support to clients.
We sat down with our Northants educator, Jo McGovern, who told us her personal notes on her experience with postpartum lashes. She discussed just how drastically her natural lashes changed after having her baby, and how this isn’t discussed enough within our industry. As with any condition, it is crucial as a lash artist to understand these topics and help to educate and show support to clients when needed.
Below is part of the conversation we shared with Jo about this subject, where she encouraged more people within the industry to break barriers and talk about these types of topics more openly.
“Throughout pregnancy and after giving birth, we think it’s the norm to have hormone changes, and hair loss on our heads. But one thing that isn’t talked about enough within the industry is that you can actually lose eyelashes too. As this isn’t talked about as openly as other postpartum symptoms, it can be a real worry to those experiencing it.
Around week 10 after giving birth, I stood in front of the mirror to do my make-up, and as I started applying my mascara, I noticed lots of gaps in my eyelashes. I looked closer, thinking they would just be shorter hairs there – but I actually had bold patches across both eyes.
I tried to wear mascara, but felt it emphasised the gaps even more, so I decided to invest in a lash growth serum. I applied the lash serum daily along my lash line, and after time, started to see a positive result. Due to the lash growth cycle, my lashes started to grow back healthily at around week 20, and by week 24, they seemed to be nearly back to their usual fullness and condition.
Whilst experiencing this problem, I discussed it with a client who had also recently given birth. To her surprise, she said she had experienced the same, and was also shocked when she discovered this as it wasn’t something she was previously aware of.
Myself and my client had both given birth to baby boys, but I hadn’t experienced this problem when I gave birth to my little girl. I now wonder if other people had also found this pattern?
I find it really important to educate the industry and the lash artists out there on topics such as these. This is a completely normal symptom that neither myself nor my client had any previous knowledge of. Opening up and talking more freely about these types of issues will really benefit the industry, both clients and professionals alike.”
If you have gone through any similar issues or have any other topics you think are important to the growth and development of the industry, please share with us.
- Tags: Lashes